Our mission is to build a library of highly educational, deeply inspiring and wonderfully imaginative books that give meaning to children around the world
TaleBlade Press is committed to publishing books that are highly educational and deeply significant to the life journey before every child.
A New Curriculum
Introducing an exciting new way of learning…
A great family-friendly curriculum is in development right now and we can’t wait to show you! We think this just might be a revolution for parents and teachers alike. We want learning to be an exciting adventure for life.
Our aim is to offer an entirely self-contained curriculum that is simple to teach, magical to learn, and world-class in its content.
Get ready – a new journey is about to begin!
Clear messages to excite your child as they grow and learn. Our books will always highlight positive virtues like bravery, wisdom, leadership, persistence and much more!

We want every TaleBlade book to leave a lasting impression. When your child feels that their growth and development is an exciting adventure, they will be well equipped to be readers and learners for life!
Our Latest Blogs

Corduroy - Don Freeman Before There Was Toy Story, There Was the Story of Corduroy Bear Corduroy is a stuffed brown bear in green overalls who can think and feel - and wander around - all on his own. He is also the perfectly adorable and quite memorable star of...

The Grumpface
The Grumpface - BCR Fegan “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr Seuss Every now and then a book is written that takes words and turns them into phrases, takes phrases and turns...

The Importance of Reading with Children
The Importance of Reading with Children “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein When I was a child I used to love mum reading books to me. We...